I have stories

Category: Little Things

Where Beauty Meets Tragedy

Some years ago I was at the zoo and went to see the gorilla’s. They were inside bc it was really cold out. Inside you could see them through plexiglass.

I went in and sat down on a small ledge next to the glass and just waited. At some point this big female sat down next to me, on the other side of the glass. She was checking me out from top to bottom. When she started to tap the window with her finger I slowly turned my head.

She had these gorgeous kind brown eyes that tried to figure me out. I was really careful not to directly look into her eyes, just a glance. I guess at some point she decided I was not a threat bc she relaxed and fully leaned my way. I did the same and she didn’t move.

We just sat there. Glancing at each other, completely at ease with sitting there together. Two creatures from separate worlds, sharing a moment. Separated by plexiglass.

There’s so much beauty, and at the same time, so much tragedy in this memory. To me that’s poetry.

Hero [Little Things]

Yesterday my car broke down; in the middle of a crossroad, at peak hour, in the pouring rain, in the dark.

The moment my mind started racing going through my options, a big shadow appeared next to me and this huge guy, with the kindest face ever, said ‘Hey there, you look like you could use some help?’

After we got the car to safer ground I told him he was my absolute hero for the day and that I really appreciated his help. He answered ‘You know, I love my wife so very much, she’s a really good person. She would have wanted me to help you out, so I did’.

Today will be about figuring out what to do with my car, get it towed, hopefully repaired. Whatever it is, I will accept it with a smile.

Bird of a new day [Little Things]

When I’m up it’s still quiet. Total silence, pitch dark.

Then, every morning, there is this one bird that will start singing. All by himself.
Complete silence, only disturbed by this one bird and his song.

He sings until there’s a reply; another song, by another bird. For however long that takes, he sings.

The moment he hears the reply, he’s gone. Not to be heard until the next morning.
I think it’s his job to announce the birth of the new day.

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