For so long I was lost without remembering what it was like not to be. Once long ago I believed in so much more but for all those years all there was left of that, was a stubborn spark that refused to die. I didn’t know why it kept pushing me, but it did. This tiny little spark of hope, a whisper. A promise.

And then, bit by bit, day by day, week by week I started remembering. I started to remember who and what I am and what it is, that I came here to do.

And now you found me. Did you sought out to find me or did I disclose my location. If it’s the latter, you must be really something special. I am the least accessible person you’ll ever meet, says the person who will show you each and every thought she has. Yes, I see the paradox in that.

This is my playground, my domain. Here I am Queen and my rules go. No discussion, no negotiation, no compromise.

Welcome to my dungeon.