Summer has ended. You can feel the cold in the air approaching, you can even smell it. Not sure how I view back on this summer. It was like this continuing all or nothing situation, in every aspect of my life.

A new story was born this summer, one I set out to find. Another has continued in spite of every odd that life is throwing at it.

It feels like the rhythm of life has changed from a once reasonable pass to now something flipping from a halt to a sprint. And back. I sometimes find myself having trouble keeping up. Or standing still. Sometimes both. At the same time.

I so long for a sense of normalcy. I miss it. At the same time I find it hard to remember what that felt like, normalcy.

Remember laughing? Dancing? Feeling free to do whatever you want, right there, in that moment. Bc there will be more. More laughing, more love, more time. There is always tomorrow. There always was….at least, we thought there would be. I took that for granted. I think we all did.

I think we took a lot of things for granted.

Looking outside I don’t think we realize it yet, we have not learned our lesson. Maybe we never will, who knows. But then again, maybe we will.

I have love so I have hope.