Some years ago I was at the zoo and went to see the gorilla’s. They were inside bc it was really cold out. Inside you could see them through plexiglass.

I went in and sat down on a small ledge next to the glass and just waited. At some point this big female sat down next to me, on the other side of the glass. She was checking me out from top to bottom. When she started to tap the window with her finger I slowly turned my head.

She had these gorgeous kind brown eyes that tried to figure me out. I was really careful not to directly look into her eyes, just a glance. I guess at some point she decided I was not a threat bc she relaxed and fully leaned my way. I did the same and she didn’t move.

We just sat there. Glancing at each other, completely at ease with sitting there together. Two creatures from separate worlds, sharing a moment. Separated by plexiglass.

There’s so much beauty, and at the same time, so much tragedy in this memory. To me that’s poetry.