Feeling so grateful to be alive, to live. I know it seems like the whole world is going to shit, but that’s just noise, distraction. Its always been there and always will be. Chaos is in our nature. As is adaptability.

To me, life is what happens in between the chaos. I find it in moments of stillness, where only the present exists. No past, no future. Time loses meaning. I collect those moments. I look for them, on purpose. Every day, everywhere.

Sometimes its a smile from a stranger, sometimes it’s a song, or a smell. The spotting of a seal in the pond! That was a big one! Yesterday it was the return of the swans¸

This morning I woke up, made coffee, put on some music and got back into bed. All cozy and warm. Picked the stuff I wanted to post. After that just enjoyed the moment, let my mind wander. And in that moment I realized something.

Everything I set myself out to do, to accomplish, I have. Everything. I am doing it!