I don’t hold grudges. If you did me wrong, thats on you, not me. Even if it was intentional, Im fast on forgiveness because my own track record is far from clean.


If the mistake is not acknowledged or my feelings around it are dismissed, if you treat me any less then an equal human being, I get vicious. I will get even with you, even if I have to wait years for the opportunity to occur.

Stab me in the back and I’ll punch you in the face

I will not hurt you just to hurt you. That is too easy. I will simply tell you what you did and why you did it. I will tear down every illusion you ever created about yourself in order to survive and shove it in your face.

I will show you yourself in all your naked ugliness and you will not like it. Maybe at some point in time you will understand it was a gift but I’m pretty sure you wont.

I’m pretty sure you will carry the mirror I handed you for a very long time and you will never forget my name. This is my ultimate revenge.

Its not something Im proud or ashamed of, its how I operate. I believe everyone has the right to have all the information, especially regarding themselves.

When need be, Im ruthless.