I don’t know if I am competitive. On the one hand, I try not to compare myself to anybody else. There are things I can do, some very well, and there are things I’m horrible at. I have a clear picture of my capabilities. In that sense, it makes little to no sense, without a goal attached to it, to compare myself to someone else.

When it comes to character traits I do compare to others. If I am very honest, I always consider myself the most honest, most straight forward and certainly the most mentally strong person on this planet. I can be quite full of myself and regard others, I dunno, as simple peasants?

Obviously, I’m joking.

Or am I?

I am mostly in competition with myself I think. I am happy with who I am, I think I’m a good person, I think I’m a kind and fair person. I enjoy spending time with me, we never get bored.

I do have certain behaviors that I think can be improved, things I want to do  differently. If I do it in a different way it would be more effective.

I know what I’m capable of and what I’m not. If you ask me if I can do something and I can’t, I’ll say so. No problem. I have that picture so complete that competition is not applicable. If you have something that’s already complete, it’s the most complete version of something you can have, why compare it to something else? Apples and oranges. Or, in this case, one orange

I think I am not competitive.

Unless Monopoly. Ooh, Monopoly … *Must study definition of ‘competitive’