I have this super weird thing I do and I can not stop myself from doing it. I categorize everything. I have to because by nature I’m a pretty disorganized and chaotic person. I get easily distracted, I think everything is a great idea and I want to do it all RIGHT NOW and preferably all at once. So yes, I need structure.

One of the things I do is categorize. I categorize everything you can think of. Music, movies, administration, my groceries, information. It’s insane, I know! Shrugs “Yeah, that’s what I do”.

But, and here comes the fun part, my brain is wired in a very peculiar way. When it comes to plain data, no imagination needed, my brain is totally black/white in it’s preference for structure. it’s either 0 or 1 (Yes, it makes perfect sense that I love programming so much).

Let’s say I have a directory with data, inside are 3 directories; Y, Z, Other. Simple. But, something in the back of my mind will keep nagging me that there is a better way to organize this. Because I have 3 directories with a lot of information in either one directory, especially the directory ‘Other’. So it seems like a great idea to create some sub directories. In that way it’s easier to find if needed (yeah…right) So, I get to work. Most gain is made from ‘Other’ so let’s start there. Off course is everything YZ in there because of not strictly Y OR Z. So that’s one extra directory, it’s called YZ (Brilliant). I now have Y, Z, YZ and Other. Next problem. There’s a lot of A, B, C in Other but not enough to create a separate directory so let’s combine and create inside Other 5 more directories: ABCDE, FGHIJ, KLMNO, PQRST, UVWX. Ok, done. Now I just need to sort out the data and place it in the correct directory. This is usually the point where I completely lose ALL oversight and begin to wonder why I started this shit in the first place.. Now frustration sets in because I don’t want to do this anymore. This is NO FUN at all. And I’ve been at it for hours (add sound for dramatic effect) so I deserve a break, knowing well that I do not mean ‘break’ but finding reasons to permit myself to go do something that is actually FUN.

And 3, 2, 1…I check out. I’m so done. I am out.

Sometimes I return to the scene of the crime and try and make an effort to ‘make things better’. Somehow that never works