I was floating in nothingness. In my head I heard a voice say ‘its coming straight for me’, and I could see it was. It was above me and closing in. Something that looked liked an solid object but I somehow knew it wasn’t. It was a force-field in a solid-like shape, rectangle maybe, there were clear sides in white and grey noise. Static. I welcomed it.

As it went through me, or I through it, I felt a surge in my body, electricity.

After that there were people, not many but more then two. They were kind and friendly. I overheard one asking another ‘but is he acting like a jerk. Has he ever? Because that’s where I failed. I was such a jerk.’

There was someone else, a man. A big dark man, with piercing dark eyes. He had a beautiful face. I can’t remember his face, but I remember his eyes. We kept finding each other. It was as if he was checking up on me to see if I was still there, and me him. There were touches. Slight. Almost by accident but on purpose. Hands touching, an arm. And eye-contact. We didn’t speak a word, we didn’t have to. We both knew what we were saying just by looking at each other. There was a familiarity between us, an unspoken knowing that we were there together, even though we weren’t at that point. A feeling of belonging together that’s so obvious we didn’t have a need to verbalize it. It just was.

After that I woke up, but not like normal waking up. It was like ‘oh, I’m in my bed again’. There was this single thought in my mind ‘It al fits together’ and this feeling of ‘Everything is ok. Everything will be ok. Don’t worrie’

I feel weird.