I’ve been living in isolation for the past few months and I have decided that I really like myself. I am a fun person to be with. Also; I am proud of myself; i am proud of what i have achieved, i am proud of what I’m capable of.

Why is that such a not-done thing to say? Why is that so strangely received. To the question ‘What do you like about yourself?’, my answer is ‘Everything’. And I mean that too; I like everything about myself. Not everything is convenient and I find some things downright bizarre, but yes, I like everything about myself.

There is always such a strange reaction to that. I remember once getting a response, no smile included, something like ‘Well, you think you’re quite something, don’t you’.

Well, yes I do. If I am very honest I consider myself The Shit. I think I’m tough. I think I’m funny. I think I’m smart. I consider myself The Shit, yes. But the fact that I think of myself as The Shit does not mean that I find someone else less, I am not involved with anyone else at all. I consider myself the center of the universe. I have no desire to compare myself to anyone else. That is a completely different person. I have never lived in their world. Maybe that person is also totally The Shit. If that is the case then I just really hope that person is aware of it, celebrates it.

What it has brought me is that I’m no longer afraid of making mistakes. I do my best and hope for a happy ending. Whatever happens, I am totally The Shit. Which doesn’t mean that I can do everything, there are many things that I absolutely can not do. And a lot of things you really don’t want me to do. And I think that’s completely okay. I’m okay with that.

I electrocuted myself several times, on multiple occasions, before accepting that I should stay away from anything to do with electric wiring.
I admit, sometimes it takes me some time to be ‘okay with it’.

Oh, if I ever tell you I’m going to repair my car, please stop me